Dec 19, 2009


durian! its a fruit....its stinking..... you faint..... then thats Durian!

durian....a fruit must be the singlemost powerful reason for expat population in many south east asian countries remain under a check. I used to wonder in my initial years in Indonesia.... how one can stand the fruit?? i thought i wouldnt eat it even if somebody pays me to eat it....100$ per fruit.... oh my god! what a mistake it was!! 24 years spent without knowing about durian....

its absolutely delicious....and expensive as well... u know, when compared its older cousin Mr. Jack fruit, its definitely expensive..... you will be hooked iam telling you...

The durian — neither Wallace or Darwin agreed on it.
Darwin said "may your worst enemies be forced to feed on it."
Wallace cried "it's delicious."
Darwin replied "I'm suspicious",
For the flavour is scented
Like papaya fermented
After a fruit-eating bat has pee'd on it.

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