Nov 11, 2006

ok...lemme post more drafts

this is the nth post im writting after i joined my job...and hopefully i dont save it is as a draft.... i joined Olam intl on the 22nd of May in Singapore as a management trainee....after a 3 day session of classroom lecturing on various businesses and functions I was packed to Indonesia for my training (to be precise on the 26th of may)..... a lot of sight seeing and pick up joint hopping happened between these two days....most of the hopping happened along with two other fellow a mallu from the land of a seasoned sailor turned manager.... both good chappies with an adventurous heart good enough to venture into the crazy horses of Singapore.....

Yes then after all this hopping i was sent to hoppeing here....stayed in a hotel named Sunlake......nice big double bed room....shared with my fellow indo week plus in Jakarta....lots of welcome to Indo and all the blah blah best mails followed by a visit to one of the hottest discs in Jakarta - CJ' i was informed.....

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